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Every child comes into this world with the message that God is not yet discouraged of human beings. Each child carries her/his own identity into the world.

Union Government has declared that every child below 14 years has a right to education. Because of lack of financial resources not all children can afford to realize the dream of having basic education. “Child Sponsorship Programme” is an attempt to educate children from poor families by providing financial assistance and help them to shape their future.


Educating and shaping the future of a child from a poor family who in turn will help the family and the siblings in the family.

Target Area:

Dakshina Kannada of Karnataka State and Kasargod Taluk in Kerala State


  • Providing financial assistance for school fees, books and uniform
  • Conducting personal interview with the child and parent every year to guage her/his progress in school and home

Capacity building:

Child – Arranging children’s camp once a year at different centres where interactive and creative sessions are organized along with games.

Family – Forming self help groups and encouraging income generating activities


Around 2000 children have received assistance until now, and presently 297 children / students are being sponsored as in 2023

Future Thrust:

To assist many more children coming from families with poor economic background to acquire basic education.