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Natural Resource Management


We step on this mother earth only once. Whatever footprints we want to leave with on this earth has to be during the time of our life because we don’t come again to this earth. When we read the story of the creation of the universe in the Bible our attention is called to the duration of time taken to create all resources of the Mother earth, than to the little time God took to make human beings. We can conclude from this the importance of Natural resource in the universe. Greedy human beings of the Wealthy Nations loot the natural resources of the poor nations, and call on to reduce global warming.

Codp in obedience to the call of Pope Francis to take care of our common home: “Laudato si:waste no time in preserving Natural resource in the project areas of Mangalore, Bantwal, Puttur, manjeshwar of kasargod area. Our focus is on water and soil preservation. The project NRM works for gully plucks, check dams, contour bunds, roof water harvesting, recharge of Wells, plantation, and plastic eradication.