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Motivating youth to enlist in Civil & Government Services


A half-day programme was held for degree students in Mother Teresa Hall, ISD on 24th May 2017. The sole purpose of the programme was to motivate youth to go for higher education and then aspire for civil services.

Rev. Fr. Oswald Monteiro, Director of CODP welcomed the students and in his introductory speech, he explained purpose of CAP (Career Advancement Programme).    He also demonstrated some of the role models from the community and showed the blank spot in the chart “your photo here” as the space waiting for participant’s photo. Thereby he motivated them to aspire for top Government Jobs.

Prof. Steevan Quadros, the resource person, gave a detailed lecture on various government services and why we need to join government services. In his talk he said that “There are positive things in India like various resources, great culture and economy, great civilization etc. But the corruption, poverty, pollution are the negative aspects. Hence it is the Indian Christian’s responsibility to create Kingdom of God in India” he said.  “With education we become effective. If you are an effective person you can obtain government service. If you become a government officer you enjoy the name, fame, prestige and good personal life” he added.

Mr Stephan also advised the students to keenly follow some websites like UPSC, KPSC etc. Thereafter he conducted a question-answer session with the students.

38 students attended the Motivation programme. A follow-up of this programme will be held on 16thJuly 2017.