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Youth Empowerment Training(YET) 2023-24


Canara organization for Development and peace® Mangalore, Diocesan CAP CELL, City Deanery Cap cell organized Youth Empowering Training (YET) 2023-24 which was Inaugurated on Sunday of 2nd June 2023.

Fr. Vincent Dsouza Director of CODP welcomed everyone and inaugurated the programme. He said the main objective of this YET Training Program is to train the students to attend the competitive exams and try to secure the government jobs. Our youth grow out to be well educated and highly placed individuals whose potentials are used to the fullest extent. We are conducting Classes on Economics, Mathematics, History, physics, Chemistry, English Grammar, Biology, Civics, Geography, General Mental Aptitude Test (GMAT), Current Affairs, Group Dynamics, Essay Writing, General Knowledge, Introduction on Media, Self-esteem, Soft skills, Aptitude Test.

After that Fr. Anil Ivan Fernandes Director of Canara Communication Center Diocese of Mangalore conducted Class on how to use the media in the right way.

Mrs. Sharmila and Sheryl Prabhu, teachers of YET classes motivated the students by giving them the importance of YET classes to improve and enhance their study skills.

After the Holy Mass Program ended with Lunch

Total 49 students from different parishes of Mangalore Diocese and their parents attended the program